For Buthuel and Tryphena...
For Bethuel and Tryphena...
Laid to Rest
Bethuel Howard Hunt
April 7th, 1916 (81)
Tryphena (Marshall) Hunt
May 29th, 1922 (74)
Sarah Ann (Hunt) Lorenz
April 27th, 1945 (80)
Edwin B.Hunt
July 30th, 1897 (30)
Inez Tryphena Hunt
August 4th, 1946 (77)
John William Hunt
July 1st, 1887 (14)
Alfred Hunt
November 26th, 1941 (66)
Arthur Hunt
September 26th, 1951 (73)
Lenora Hunt
April 24th, 1881 (2mths)
George Howard Hunt
May 24th, 1957 (72)
Alta May Hunt
October 24th, 1896 (8)
Demise of Respected Pioneer of Waterloo (News Article)
Bethuel Howard Hunt a highly esteemed pioneer of this state, passed away on April 7, at his home in Waterloo. Mr. Hunt been a patient sufferer for months before he underwent an operation seven weeks ago. Howard Hunt was widely and favorably known throughout southern Montana, where he lived since his arrival in 1866. Having lived to the ripe age, of 81 years he felt and entered into the movements, ideals and activities of his time. It was given to him to live in the greatest epoch of the world's progress. He had seen the dim light of the tallow dip shine out into the kerosene lamp and later break forth into the brilliance of the electric current. In his time the plodding pony post that carried the mails to the great West were changed to the lighting express. The old prairie schooner and stage coach, in his span of life, were changed to Pullman cars and floating palaces and all the modern methods of transportation. Mr. Hunt was a close reader and a deep thinker, and although modest and retiring by nature, could always carry on, with his friends, a spirited conversation on all public questions. He had a jovial disposition and was always ready to see the bright side of everything. Mr. Hunt was born in New York City, in 1835, was married in Idaho in 1864 to Miss Tryphena Marshall; two years later moved to Montana and celebrated his golden wedding anniversary two years ago, and would have celebrated the fiftieth anniversary of his arrival in Montana this year, a rare experience in the life of man. Funeral services were conducted by Rev. George D. King of Whitehall. The funeral was the largest seen in this locality in a long time; the floral offering was beautiful and amid these the remains were laid to rest in Creeklyn Cemetery (aka Fish Creek Cemetery). The sympathy of the community goes out to the bereaved wife and children, for he was a devoted husband, an affectionate father and a true friend.
"Calm in the bosom of thy God,
Departed spirit rest thee now!
E'en while with us thy footsteps trod,
His seal was on thy brow.
Dust, to its narrow house beneath!
Soul, to its place on high!
They that have seen thy look in death,
No more may fear to die."
Tryphena's Family...
This is the entire Sarah Goode Marshall family with the exception of Lovina. Standing is: Selena Marshall Gregory, Tryphena Marshall Hunt, Dauean Louisa Marshall Boyce, and Sarah Ann Marshall Callan.
Seated is George Thomas Marshall, Sarah Goode Marshall-Chadwick [mother] and Charles Frederick Chadwick from her second marriage. William Chadwick is also missing from this photo.
Seated is George Thomas Marshall, Sarah Goode Marshall-Chadwick [mother] and Charles Frederick Chadwick from her second marriage. William Chadwick is also missing from this photo.
Jefferson Valley News--December 19, 1913
(This article was a special edition put out by the paper with help from the Whitehall Women's club)
B.H. Hunt-- Truly a pioneer is B.H. Hunt of Waterloo, whose advent to this state dates back to the territorial days of 1863, and who, for a half century has lived in this section and knows by experience the vast and remarkable changes that have taken place.
It was in the spring of the gold strike in Alder, 1863, that Mr. Hunt came from Idaho to Montana and at that place mined for about a year. In the fall of '64 took his team of oxen and went to Idaho to marry Miss Tryphena Marshall. Mr. and Mrs. Hunt remained in Franklin, Idaho for about one year then returned to Montana. They lived first on the Ike Milliner place near Pleasant Valley near C.W. Winslow's (This was near where Gene Hanson is now) Mr. Hunt freighted that summer, from near Benton to Helena. The following year the Hunts moved near Pipestone Springs where Mr. Hunt mined and put up a quartz mill. (May have been up near the Columbia Mine, north of the Springs) After spending some time in the Pipestone country Mr. Hunt and family in 1867 to what is known as Paul ranch one mile west of Whitehall vicinity and in the early seventies moved to the Silver Star mining camp where they stayed about three years and in 1875 Mr. Hunt again did some mining at Cooke's diggings near Pipestone (possibly above what we know as Cactus Inn) but the following year went to Pleasant Vally and lived on what is now the Wm McGee farm. He peddled vegetables from that place to Highland with oxen. Mr. Hunt decided to take up a homestead so in '77 filed on and near Silver Star where the family lived and followed farming for about 10 years then got a ranch on Spring Creek where for nearly twenty years they toiled and a few years ago Mr. Hunt bought the place where they now reside in the rich Waterloo country.
Mr. Hunt is 78 years old while Mrs. Hunt is 66. They have living the following children: Mrs. Sarah Lorenz of Waterloo, Mrs. Bedford Love, Renova, Alfred Hunt of Butte, Arthur Hunt on a farm adjoining the parents farm, and George Hunt who with his wife live on the old home ranch.
Both Mr. and Mrs. Hunt are very active. They are beloved wherever they are known. Representatives of the old band of pioneers, whose ranks are thinning, day by day, they are well deserving of the respect and esteem in which they are universally held, and command a high place in regard of those who are admirers of the people that have helped to build our great state.
The Beginning of their family...
Buthuel Howard Hunt was born February 28th, 1835
New York, New York.
Tryphena Marshall was born February 4th, 1848
Linton, Herefordshire, England.
They married in Franklin, Idaho November 9th, 1864.
Together they had 9 children.
Sarah Ann Hunt: b. September 24th 1865
Edwin B.Hunt: b. July 1st, 1867
Inez Tryphena Hunt: b. December 10th, 1869
John William Hunt: b. April 6th, 1873
Alfred Hunt: b. April 14th, 1875
Arthur Hunt: b. January 25th, 1878
Lenora Hunt: b. February 2nd, 1881
George Howard Hunt: b. September 12th, 1884
Alta May Hunt: b.August 20th,1888
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